Today's Trans Activism - a Result of Society's Failure to Enforce Appropriate Limits
And it's our fault for allowing it to happen.
What's in your mind when you describe a toddler as being spoiled? I think we all have a pretty clear picture of what that looks like, whether it's your own kids, or the ones you couldn't not hear at that noisy restaurant last week.
Pediatrician B. J. McIntosh defines it like this:
The spoiled child syndrome is characterized by excessive self-centered and immature behavior, resulting from the failure of parents to enforce consistent, age-appropriate limits.
Sounds about right to me.
I started looking into this, not because I was assaulted by an infuriated toddler, but because I've been watching adults on the news who identify as trans activists over the last few years and who appear to exhibit this exact behavior. Now before you accuse me of painting every trans person with the same brush, I’m not. I’m talking specifically about the ones who make the news, the so-called trans activists along with many of the participants in their rallies. These people are literally the face of TransAmerica.
Psychologists have come up with a list of traits that spoiled children tend to exhibit as they reach adulthood. Here's the list. See if you recognize any of these traits from any recent news stories involving trans-activists or protests of that nature.
Lacks empathy
Poor communication
Inability to regulate emotions
Impulsive decision making
Intolerance of differences/conflict
Lack of self-discipline
Struggles with authority
Ignores the word "no"
Difficulty sharing
Limited resilience
I fully realize the context of this list is adults who were spoiled during childhood, but just for fun, let's now substitute the parent who thinks they were just loving their kid with the government, or the CEO, or the teacher, or any other authority figure who in many cases feels they have no choice but to affirm any whim presented to them in the guise of identity. And then let's take another look at that definition:
characterized by excessive self-centered and immature behavior, resulting from the failure of [those in authority] to enforce consistent, age-appropriate limits.
It's the “failure to enforce consistent, age-appropriate limits” that I want to focus on here because this is precisely where we as a society have dropped the ball. And it was a pretty major drop.
We have enabled this kind of behavior because otherwise reasonable people sat by and said absolutely nothing while full-grown, spoiled children with an authoritarian bent stole the day.
These consistent, age-appropriate limits that were never set for these people by those in authority had been previously and consistently set for literally everyone else for as long as Canada has been a nation and even more specifically since women in this country have had the right to vote. Everyone understood that boys are required to stay out of the girls’ change rooms (and vice-versa), that men obviously would never compete against women in professional sports, and that people simply are not “born in the wrong body". This last one is literally the stuff of fairy tales and yet our political leaders and those in academia just rolled over, lapped it up, and then regurgitated it all for public and media consumption. And the public, helped along by the media, more or less bought it.
None of these limits impressed on society were ever in dispute. In fact, boys used to be taught to respect girls, to open doors for them, to let them go first. This was drilled into their heads as much as tie your shoes, and look both ways before you cross the street. It was consistent and age-appropriate and it was meant to influence the rest of their lives. In the middle-ages they called it chivalry and it was really just about being a decent human being.
So, what made us think that passively allowing certain groups to skirt basic principles of human decency was going to turn out well? What did we think was going to happen?
We are now dealing with the inevitable results of that irresponsibility and have discovered that what we've been doing is simply unsustainable. These spoiled children have now vastly overplayed their hand and it has caused the rest of us to realize that we finally just need to start saying NO. And of course we should have done this years ago but never did because we were just trying to be nice, and accommodating, and inclusive. What we didn't realize at the time (well, some of us actually did) was that the act of including people who are selfish, entitled, impulsive, intolerant, undisciplined, demanding, and all the rest of that list required us to trample the rights of women and girls, compel everyone else to use certain words and phrases that heretofore never even existed, and rewrite the very definition of the most obvious defining human characteristic there is: the definitions of man and woman.
The end result of this sad tale is that these activists and their enablers have just made everything that much worse for their cause and it's all because those in authority were too cowardly to enforce the limits our entire society had already agreed upon and established. And along with that cowardice, the Canadian public was also awarded the knowledge that if they stood up against this absolute ridiculousness, they would be chastised publicly and possibly even lose their careers.
Sadly, the germ of this story hasn't only spawned the current crop of trans activists, but also much of indigenous activism, which is why we’re now forced to endure hollow, paternalistic, and utterly meaningless “land acknowledgments" at every public gathering in this country while entire First Nation communities go without water. Again, no one had the intestinal fortitude to get up and say, right at the beginning: wait a minute, what is the real purpose of this and why are we even doing it? and now it's just what we do.
This is also why on June 17, 2024, more than three years after the original announcement of the non-discovery of 215 unmarked graves at the Kamloops Residential School, Justin Trudeau still referred to that event as “an awakening to the truth that you all know so well." This, despite the fact that not one body has yet been found anywhere in this country.
This just in:
Millions in federal funds to recover suspected Indian children's graves in B.C. went elsewhere: Report
So, for that $12.1 million that we spent to help get to the bottom of this Kamloops grave situation (pun intended), they may not have found any bodies, but they were able to shell out millions to publicists and consultants. So, it appears the aboriginal industry at least is doing well in this country. Could this be the real "awakening to the truth”?
Don't get your hopes up. After months of trying to hide this fact, Mandy McCarthy, director of the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations assures us, “We are not seeking to intervene in this matter but are trying to understand the approach."
Well, that's a relief…
Am I too naïve in hoping that maybe our leaders and the rest of society will have learned something as a result of this disastrous experiment? Is it unthinkable that the general public might finally have been jolted from their apathy and carelessness? I hope not, but I'm also a little scared to get my hopes up just yet.