Mar 12Liked by Ken Hiebert

I remember reading this when it was first published. I was an avid reader at the local library, not being able to afford to buy books. It has remained in my memory all those years, along with similarly distopian novel, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I often think of both when confronted by the likes of Trudeau and his policies, who, I am sure, wouuld love to have a ministry of love to adjust those of us who see through his feckless uselessness.

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Don't quit your day job, retard. Is that... teaching kids to play guitar?

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A woman is a female human. That’s probably a widely accepted usage of the word ‘woman’. But language is complex, biology and sociology are complex. Words aren’t rigid and literally everything exists on a spectrum to some extent.

If you got 20 botanists in a room and tried to get them to agree on a precise, rigid definition of the word ‘tree’, there would be endless debate as to the specifics in individual cases. If you walk into a room and see a woman, she’s a woman. For all intents and purposes, she’s a woman because in that instance the concept of a ‘woman’ is a social construct, based on your subjective assessment of social cues and physical traits. You don’t know what chromosomes she has or doesn’t have.

The statement that ‘trans women are women’ is not a statement of opinion, it’s fact. No matter how you feel about it, that’s just how language works. Is she a woman in every single interpretation of the term woman? No, but if you take that route, then you’re not a man either, and nothing is anything.

The only reason certain people get so incredibly pedantic about this particular word is to vilify a certain weaker out-group while solidifying ones’ place among the traditionally stronger, more ‘pure’ in-group. It’s bullying. This is why you’ll often hear the term ‘fascist’ directed at such people. This is what fascists do, it’s what fascism is. And this is why people like me will continually push back on such nonsense.

Meanwhile, more children have been slaughtered in Gaza in the past 5 months than in all the conflicts in the world over the past four years.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

Their intent is obvious to anyone who wishes to see past their 'newspeak'. DIE is just doublethink reversal of the last two letters in DEI. The intent is to have non-Lefists removed from the earth to bring about the Utopia promised by Marx. The solution to DIE/DEI is "Atlas Shrugged".

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Hey Ken what's it like getting ratioed every time you post one of your gradeschool-level creative writing projects on reddit? Do you ever think that maybe you're just wrong and like whining?

Ratioed, even on JBP subreddit lmao


If everyone you meet thinks you're an asshole, Ken, it might be time to look in the mirror (rather than blaming everyone around you for the miserable state of your unsuccessful life).



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You've never read 1984, have you? Lol

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Oh! I forgot to add that I didn’t have a student number in primary school. It wasn’t until I joined the navy that I had a number. While I had a social security number, I had no use for it until I joined the navy and it was used as my service number. It was also used as my student number in college and more recently, after almost 20 years living in Japan, I needed it to open a new bank account…..in Japan.

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And this has been going on for a long time, just has finally reached the most basic truths of humanity now.

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