It turns out that private swimming pool rentals are now "weakness". So market economy = weakness too?

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This is very useful because if I ever need to explain to someone what a ‘straw man’ is, I can just send them a link to this article and they will understand perfectly.

If you define a position however you want to define it and then proceed to argue against that position, is there much value in the ‘discussion’? Aren’t you just arguing with yourself in the mirror?

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The interview with Clarence B. Jones was interesting. I was a little confused why the Free Press would be interviewing him until I came to his statements on Israel. The Free Press never fails to stay on-brand.

Interestingly, you left that part where Jones says “You don’t want to be blind to color. You want to see color. I want to be very aware of color.” and you don’t seem curious as to what he means by this.

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Also what does someone from Morden know about the American dream? Stop watching Fox 🤣

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Ken: you're mentally ill. Get help.

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