Leave it to bumpkin Ken to find something to be outraged in even an eclipse. Give it a rest pal, nobody cares about your whining.

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And yet, here you are, Ms. Idiot...

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A possible case of toxic nostalgia? “Back in my day there were no airbags or seatbelts, we drove our lead-gasoline cars to the bar (built from asbestos), got drunk, and drove home again. I’m still alive. This generation is soft”.

Could it be that people are so litigious nowadays that schools and teachers are simply terrified of being sued by parents? (The same reason we can’t do anything fun anymore) Shouldn’t we lay the blame with the legal and the insurance industries for this, rather than using it as another opportunity to berate the underpaid and overworked teachers who would probably much rather be doing fun stuff with their students as well?

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I don't know. As I mentioned, our middle school gave parents a choice. Our high school provided eclipse glasses to the students. That was pretty simple. It didn't cost anything (or almost nothing), no major rescheduling had to be done, and the teachers were able to do their jobs as normal. Also, it left parents in control so they had no one to sue.

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Also, I would point out that the main problem is not with our "underpaid and overworked teachers", it's with the administration and the school boards.

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Ken, you're a retard and a crybaby. How does it feel to be so impotent to change anything in your horrible miserable life! Try not to become a mass shooter like that other retard on the east coast, ok? You should really get some help for yourself buddy. All this negativity will lead to an early grave.

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