Ken, you don't have any original thoughts. You attempt to write about the flavour of the week, often inaccurately. But you lack any overarching vision to speak of. This is probably because you are a terribly unsuccessful high school drop out.

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Hi Ken. Thanks for the thoughtful piece. Its exasperating defending ones option as "hate" Not just on this issue either. Its a new/old buzz word, thinly veiled to gaslight, imo.

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Thanks for the comment, Eric. It's not even veiled anymore - thinly or otherwise. I didn't get into it in this piece, but I believe the root of all of this is the DEI agenda, which sees the whole world as a conflict between the oppressed and the oppressor. You're either one or the other and guess who the bad guy is... it's always acceptable to hate the oppressor. Or the colonizer...

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Sounds like Fweedom Convoy rhetoric to me.

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