Jul 12Liked by Ken Hiebert

A kindered spirit can be found here, Ken... https://realclimatescience.com (note the permanent quote in the upper right corner of the page) 😊

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Indeed. Great quote.

And I've definitely been a fan of this guy for a while now.

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So, they key takeaways from this are:

1. Anthropomorphic climate change is accelerating at an unprecedented rate.

2. There’s no need to worry about it because Ken lives in Canada.


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Actually, the key takeaways are these:

1. The warming is mainly in the winter and at night - this is true globally and most scientists agree on that fact.

2. There's no need to worry because this is happening mainly in areas that are currently too cold to sustain life without the liberal usage of fossil fuels.

3. Those who say it's an emergency are either ignorant or have something to gain by making you believe that.

Hardly amazing.

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If this is “happening mainly in areas that are currently too cold to sustain life without the liberal use of fossil fuels” then may I suggest you move a little further south rather than staying in an unsurvivable locale and promoting climate change as a positive, while glaciers disappear and ice sheets melt, species are driven to extinction, habitats destroyed, millions displaced and the life-sustaining systems of earth irreversibly altered just so that you don’t need to start your truck 15 minutes early.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

Well, as I mentioned - it's getting better here. And besides, if the prophets of doom are to be believed, all the southerners will be flocking here to avoid the worst of climate change so I might decide to capitalize on that. 😉

Seriously though, all these things you mention are precisely what I'm talking about.

Hurricanes are no worse than they've ever been:


Tornadoes have been declining:


Small Islands are not disappearing:


Forest fires have been declining in Canada since the eighties:


And in the US, wildfires are currently nowhere near what they were in the twenties and thirties.


So, don't believe the hype, Ned. If the word, "unprecedented" is used, all one needs to do is look back a little further to see the real picture.

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So your argument is that the several degrees of warming hasn’t caused total organ failure for the planet YET, even though the doctors told us it very well might, so the most logical thing to do is to see how far we can push this thing?

You wanna see those sunken islands and burnt forests FIRST, then you’ll consider the scientists’ recommendations?

The articles you sighted all concur that human-caused climate change has the potential to do significant damage, you’ve just nitpicked a couple of instances where luck is so far on our side in specific locations.

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Well, there are enough "doctors" saying exactly what I'm saying and just because the guys collecting the carbon tax cost to promote them other "doctors" doesn't make their diagnosis any more accurate.

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There are ‘enough’ scientists who agree with you that climate change is a good thing?

Really? Where do get this idea from?

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I recommend studying the history of the 20th century. One theme you will notice is the ruthless and relentless battle amongst the British, Americans, and other world powers to secure access to oil fields. This defined almost every major conflict (still does) killed tens of millions (still does), and gave us the world map as we know it. BP, Shell, Chevron, AMCRO and others aggressively horde the world’s remaining reserves. We know they see climate science as a threat to their rent-seeking business model as they’ve funded climate change denial for decades. These are the same interests who systematically removed public transport infrastructure from American cities to increase reliance on oil. The only ‘science’ you find credible is that promoted by these guys? But when universities, research bodies, or (gasp) GoVErnmEnTs! from around the globe who are NOT funded by fossil interest reach opposite conclusions, THAT’S when you get skeptical?

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What do you think happens to tax revenue? Do you think there’s an evil leprechaun stockpiling your hard earned cash somewhere? Honestly though, how does this conspiracy theory work? You understand that politicians and public servants don’t paid dividends based on how much taxes they raise, right? In fact, I think you, as a citizen, can track every cent that’s both raised and spent by your government.

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Boy I'm glad someone without their high school diploma thinks everything is hunky dory

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