I hope you’re right.

I have been wondering why my Canadian friends are so anti-Poilievre, even the ones who are fed up with Trudeau. It seems to be analogous to “orange man bad” down here but I haven’t seen specific examples about what he’s done that’s so egregious. The NYT did a profile of Poilievre the other day and it didn’t enlighten me either.

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Yes, I read that article. I was a little confused as well because they seemed to have a hard time saying anything really damning about him, which is what I had expected they would do.

The truth is, most of the anti-Poilievre sentiment here amounts to general anti-conservative stuff like: cutting social programs (although they can't say which ones he will cut), anti-LGBT stuff (although Poilievre's never said anything that would cause them to think that and his father is in a same sex relationship), he's mean, he's a "career politician" (unlike the ex-drama teacher who currently runs the show), etc...

Most of these people can't point to one specific thing that would make him bad for the country. The fact is, by all current polling, Poilievre stands to win a super-majority when we finally go to the polls this year so that alone says a lot more than any of these shrill, fringe voices are even able to articulate.

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Thanks. I suspect his allegedly “anti-LGBT” positions are really just about the T, not the LGB. And with Trump, there’s plenty of stuff he’s said and done that’s beyond the pale — I haven’t seen anything specific like that with Poilievre. (Other than maybe supporting the truck drivers?)

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Oh yeah, that's the other big criticism of Poilievre: he's Canada's Donald Trump.😁

This basically just means that his political views are somewhere to the right of Justin Trudeau. It's kinda funny because it seems that every politician that the Left doesn't like is "the Donald Trump" of whatever part of the world he's in.

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